‘catch and release: Poems from Manawatu’ is the first e-publication from City Libraries and Community Services. As part of the experimental poetry programme KUPU - PoetryBeyondWords, the book is one of a series of initiatives designed to engage the community in poetry writing. Around two hundred and fifty submissions of poetry and proverbs were received and we’re thrilled with the response.
One of the aims of KUPU is to provide an avenue for poets of all levels to develop their engagement activities with local audiences, and act as a stepping stone in artistic development. The point of the ebook was to create a piece of work that the contributing poets could use to profile their poetry. “It is challenging starting out” says Genny Vella, City Cultural Coordinator. “Being able to include publications in personal profiles and biographies adds a little more weight to the body of work poets are able to call on to demonstrate their talent”.
Ten poems were selected from forty submissions. The result is a lovely anthology of works by known and previously unpublished poets about Manawatu – the creative expression of heart and place.